stories of + for everyday humans

learning from yesterday,
planning for tomorrow,
living in the moment

Honour your Grandparents in 5 Fun & Easy steps.

Let’s celebrate and honour your Grandparents: your Gma or Grandad, Nonna, Babcia, Dembart or Pau Pau.😊

There is so much to learn from our family members who came before us.

Life lessons get passed down through generations.

Learning the history of our ancestors helps us gain a greater understanding of what came before us, the hardships, the challenges, the triumphs. The more you know, I’m sure that you too will want to honour your grandparents.

Whether right or wrong, the things that happen to us and how we handle them become ingrained in our family history. In the words that we use, in the way we see certain situations and how we react.

Honour your Grandparents, Images of beautiful grandparents

Of course, we have our own free will and personal growth and understanding has a huge part to play in our individual lives but the formative years are called that for a reason. So whether you are questioning and/or celebrating the lives that came before you. Looking back and learning from the wisdom of your ancestors is a beautiful way to help guide you to take your next step forward in this wonderous life.

Honouring your Grandparents with tangible print

From someone who has collated over 90years of my Gma’s life into a well loved album… well I’ve created a fun and easy 5 step journey that will help you simplify a process to honour your grandparents (or parent) and help lead to a greater understanding of someone you love. Sometimes it’s just worth starting small. The joy of creating this may just motivate you to go deeper but if you never do I am sure you will cherish both these moments and this information for years to come.

I’ve broken down the steps into a 5 part email series. Each email comes with a printable, simple tips to reduce overwhelm and make each step an enjoyable experience that you can share with someone. Created for ages 4yrs to 104yrs.

Here is a quick mud map of where we are going. Using the outline, you can make your own path but it’s completely free, something that matters to me and I’m happy to share it with you.

Get out the biscuits and put the kettle on……

EMAIL 1 – Asking your grandparents questions

Time: One (enjoyable) hour

I promise you will learn something new, something worthwhile.

There’s a reason that we have two ears and only one mouth.

EMAIL 2 – Exploring the history in your family photo albums

Time: One (fabulous) Hour

A photo tells a thousand words.

Truly, you can see so many hidden little moments in just one photo.

EMAIL 3 – Sharing the love

Time: One (joyous) Hour

5 Warm fuzzies collected from 4 people and one from you.

EMAIL 4 – Reflecting on the wisdom to honour your grandparents

Time: One (curious) Hour

Oh yeah!! Week 4.

Time to do a little reflecting, pull it all together and have think….

You’ve collected all of the gold. Next we will look at creating the treasure.

Free printable to honour your grandparents

EMAIL 5 – Honour your Grandparents – Curate, Conceptualise and Create!!

Pulling it all together to highlight your wonderful grandparent

Time: One (curated) Hour

Now that you have some facts, some stories, some photos and some warm fuzzies. … All you have to do it pull it together. You can use my free Canva template, use it as a base to design from or create your own.

I hope you found some inspiration in my thoughts and this article.


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